CrystalMaker Guide: Manipulation

Manipulating the structure

The toolbar contains numerous tools which allow you to manipulate either the entire structure, or selected atoms within it.

Global tools let you:-


translate (left, right, up, down)

scale (zoom in/out)

walk forwards/backwards (for perspective plots)

You can select atoms in the structure using the following tools:-

arrow tool; rectangle tool; lasso tool; polygon tool

Selected atoms can be manipulated independently of the rest of the structure, e.g., by using the rotate selection tool , or the arrow tool . In addition, the Edit menu lets you show/hide/delete/duplicate selected atoms.

New - for molecular crystals: if you want to isolate a single molecule from the rest of the crystal structure, select one atom in that molecule then choose the Selection > Hide Other Molecules command. All molecules not containing selected atoms will then be hidden. (As with the Transform > Hide Molecular Fragments command, this command is only effective for molecular crystals.)

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